Thursday 1 December 2016

Hacking- Car hacking incidents

New era,new technology and new challenges 

As India is going through demonetisation phase and everyone is talking about cashless economy and then there are some experts on every news channel to discuss safety of online wallets,so i thought that this is the best time to see what has happened in automobile industry regarding to hacking .

I remember when last year, US Senators Edward J Markey and Richard Blumenthal shared some laws that will guide NHTSA to set some parameters to keep cars secure from any such hacking.  Even FBI raised the matter of car safety this year , so this is really dangerous thing.

Some months ago there was one news that how some thieves stole the car without breaking anything of car  in England. They just used car's  keyless technology to hack that car and stole it. So many incidents like it happened with same car model, so they had to upgrade their software to make car safe again.

almost every car fan knows what happened with Jeep Cherokee some years ago. Remember !! Yeah you guess it right , same Jeep which was hacked by two hackers and they applied brake and transmission stopped working on the road . Chrysler had to recall 1.4 millions cars for upgrading software . Though the hackers were in jeep but still this news shook the auto world.

Tesla is one of the most famous and environmental friendly car in the world, i remember in 2010 ex worker played with the computer of  cars of customers so he could get revenge from his ex employer. As he was only 20 years old and he did'nt create much problems but still this incident raised questions on car safety. But no need to worry, Tesla has better security than any other car manufacturer, though two hackers got success in hacking Tesla but they had to work so hard to found weak links for hacking, also they had to sit inside the car and connect to the CAN, luckily from far it is not possible. Tesla too has security system which don't allow car to cross 8 kmph speed when computers detect something fishy in the system, car goes to neutral and everything is okay. 

As technology in cars is increasing day by day and everything is connected to internet, things could be dangerous in future. Every car has around 35 computers in it , from transmission to brake, from cruise control to tyre pressure etc etc everything is connected to computer so one should worry about security too but experts say that car makers didn't think about it and now they have to make everything safe before launching in market. Experts also say that too much use of internet and wi-fi in cars can make them more hacking friendly, satnav , Apple car play and google android auto could be dangerous in future too. 

So so many news about different cars and different manufacturers tell story about safety of our beloved cars. I wish future will be secure and car manufacturers will spend big money on safety of cars too.. Thanks for reading, keep supporting , good bye .


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